On this episode of the Mission Minded Podcast we are joined by Steve Richardson, president of Pioneers-USA.
Steve was raised in Indonesia, where his parents planted churches in a jungle tribe. He witnessed the impact of the gospel on their war-like society, a story documented in his father's missionary classic, Peace Child. Steve and his wife, Arlene, also spent eleven years planting churches among an unreached people group in Southeast Asia.
On todays podcast we discuss Steves new book IS THE COMMISSION STILL GREAT? Steve uses stories from Scripture, history, and his own ministry experience to impart timely lessons on modern missions.
Mission Minded Podcast: In Matthew 28:18-20, we are commissioned by Christ to make disciples of all the nations. Living in light of this scriptural call can be challenging. Join the Mission Minded podcast and participate in discussions with mission-minded individuals that come from diverse backgrounds, working all over the world, to bring some of the challenges into the light.
The ITEC team hosts special guests who tell stories, ask questions, and inspire us to use our God-given gifts to take the Gospel to our neighbors and the nations. Mission Minded Podcast is produced by ITEC. The goal of this podcast is to inspire conversations about Great Commission participation. The views, organizations, and individuals represented, interviewed, and discussed on the podcast do not necessarily represent an official position or formal partnerships with ITEC.
Show Notes:
· Peace Child. The story of Don Richardson and family/the conversion of the Sawi Tribe.
· Treachery on the Twisted River. An adaptation of the Peace Child more suited for younger audiences (ages 13-18).
· When God Comes Calling by Ted Fletcher (Steve Richardson’s Father-In-Law/founder of Pioneers). This is the story of Ted Fletcher’s conversion and the eventual formation of Pioneers.
· Western Christians in Global Mission by Paul Borthwick. We actually interviewed him on a previous podcast.
· When Everything Is Missions by Denny Spitters/Matthew Ellison.
· A Third of Us by Marvin J Newell. This book that mentions the 5 Great Commission passages in the New Testament.
· Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: https://www.perspectives.org/
· Step In Study: a five-session “alternative” to Perspectives produced by Global Frontier Missions. https://globalfrontiermissions.org/step-in/
· Xplore Study: a seven-session “alternative” to Perspectives produced by the Center for Mission Mobilization. https://www.mobilization.org/resources/live-missionally/xplore/
· “Never The Same.” The 16-minute documentary about the Richardson family visiting the Sawi tribe years later (similar to “The Last Chapter” at ITEC). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm6R9EPtMHo
· Pioneers.org/myths
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